Nathan Joseph


Nathan is a rising college freshman hailing from North East, Maryland. With nearly a decade of yo-yo contest experience and more than 6 years of design experience, he takes our products from concept to reality.

Growing up on the water, Nathan has long been an avid sailor and swimmer, particularly favoring the 400 IM and 200 Freestyle. He has also long held a love for music, singing as a Bass 2 in All-State Choir for multiple years.

Catch him at your local East Coast contest or on Instagram @nathanjoseph__

Philip Pacific

Marketing consultant & Brand Ambassador

Philip is a rising sophomore at the University of Dallas. A multiple time state and regional champion currently studying marketing, Philip brings invaluable knowledge and insight to the team.

Marvel at his quads on Instagram @philippacific_yoyo

Jerry Carboneau

Brand ambassador

Hailing from Westfield, Massachusetts, Jerry Carboneau grew up around yo-yo legends. A long-time member of and teacher at the A2Z yo-yo club, Jerry now lives the yo-yoer's dream of working for National Yo-Yo Master André Boulay at YoyoExpert.

A performer at heart, Jerry was a competitive dancer for many years before finding the yo-yo. His love for performance shines through in his routines, drawing inspiration from the likes of Michael Kurti, Yusuke Otsuka, and the littany of phenomenal yoyoers in the Northeast yo-yo scene.

Follow him on Instagram @geraldcarboneau to see his latest tricks, shenanigans, and sweet music recs.

Isaac Viteri

Brand Ambassador

Representing the Midwest yoyo scene, Isaac is always working to outdo himself every time he steps on stage. A competitive yoyoer for more than 6 years, he has found a passion for building routines to unorthodox music to stagger his audience.

Outside of competitions, Isaac spends most of his time at his university’s library trying to survive as an undergraduate in Biomedical Sciences. He also enjoys playing the piano, chess, and listening to weird music.

Talk to him about your favorite albums on Instagram @isaacv213